Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Something new!

After a reather a long absence from the blog I have returned. This time with some thing new and cool (at least in my opinion). In the last couple of months I have started looking in to how can I get in to the field of digital art, video games and moves. This is what I came up with.
Step one quit job. (Project manager at a sheet metal fabrication factory)
Step two go back to school.
So I did just that! Despite the fact that I already have an AS degree in Game Design I knew that I need to continue on to something better. Plus if you really think about it having an associate degree is equivalent to nothing, so I needed to take a step in the right direction. After subitting an application to the Art Institute and almost going there, my friend Mike suggested thst I should apply to Gnomon School pf Visual Effects just to see if I would even get accepted.
After several weeks of waiting on a response from admissions office, I got the answer! And I am moving to LA! (Thanks Mike) With my admissions to the 3 year program I am looking forward to raising the quality of my work by leaps and bounds, and becoming a well rounded artist. This new beginning got me thinking of using this website to post my progress in school. To see what and how my work will change. So hopefully starting this April I be able to keep this website up to date with some of my school work.
Also here is a quick scetch that I did with Mike week or two ago while talking about Starctaft.